Python vs React.js

A Statista report claims that, as of 2021, the most used web framework was React JS, with a 40.14% share. Python is listed as one of the top three popular programming languages used in 2022. Although both are among the top three used by software development companies, they may need clarification on the most effective option for their projects in 2022.

You could be shocked if you think the most popular of them is the best choice! In contrast, React JS is an open-source library that uses JavaScript and allows for rapidly developing user-friendly interfaces. Python is a programming language suitable for mobile and web-based application development.

Each framework has its strengths and disadvantages; however, deciding which is the best for your specific project can be daunting for business owners! If you’re looking for methods to determine whether to hire python expert or a ReactJS developer for your next project in 2024, then you’re in the correct location.

Python vs React.js: The Journey of Two Powerhouses

Python was created by Guido van Rossum way back in 1991 as a general-purpose programming language. One of its standout features is its clean and easy-to-read syntax, which puts a strong focus on making code understandable, even for beginners. Over time, Python has grown into one of the most popular languages worldwide thanks to its incredible versatility, a huge community of developers, and a vast collection of libraries and frameworks. Today, tech giants like Google, Facebook, Netflix, Spotify, and Reddit use Python in their operations.

ReactJS, on the other hand, is a bit newer. It was introduced by Facebook in 2013 as an open-source JavaScript library. React was designed to tackle the growing complexity of building user interfaces that need to be updated frequently. It brought fresh ideas like the Virtual DOM, one-way data flow, and reusable components, making front-end development more efficient and scalable.

Since its launch, React has quickly become one of the go-to tools for front-end and mobile development, largely because of its excellent performance and dynamic ecosystem. Companies like Netflix, Airbnb, and Uber rely heavily on React to build their engaging user interfaces.

Overview of ReactJS

ReactJS is sometimes referred to as React, also known as React.js. Facebook manages React, as well as a group of developers. It is an open-source JavaScript library that allows the creation of UI components. It is among the most popular front-end development technologies that have made history in web development. ReactJS enterprise app development produces extremely interactive and effective user interfaces similar to Netflix. It can also serve as the basis for creating single-page mobile apps. React is a collection of smaller pieces, called components, composed of HTML and JavaScript, and captures the necessary logic to display the various sections of a vast UI.

It’s only concerned with managing the state and transferring this status to DOM. This means that you must view each stage of your application. ReactJS can efficiently update and render the appropriate component when the data changes. Therefore, ReactJS will make your application faster when compared with other frameworks.


JSX is a markup syntax used to describe the appearance of UIs for applications. It is employed within React to create HTML and JavaScript quickly. It allows the syntax to build React components like HTML. This will enable developers to create building blocks of ReactJS quickly and seamlessly execute React web development.

#Virtual DOM

It is among the most valuable characteristics of ReactJS. It increases the speed and flexibility of applications utilizing ReactJS. As the name suggests, a Virtual DOM is a copy of the DOM on the website. With this copy, you can use ReactJS to determine what component of the DOM is changed after the user presses the button. This is because the Virtual DOM re-renders the whole user interface for each modification. In Virtual DOM representation, the modified component is only updated and not updated for all the components. Therefore, with the aid of Virtual DOM, applications created with ReactJS run more efficiently and cost-effectively.

#One-way Binding

The one-way data flow is among the significant reasons web development companies frequently employ ReactJS. A unidirectional data flow means that developers cannot alter any component directly. This is only possible using the call-back feature. The one-way data binding helps developers gain greater control over React mobile and web application development. This means that React apps run more efficiently and are adaptable.

#Declarative UI

Declarative UI allows developers to design the user interface on the information received. With the aid of the declarative user interface, ReactJS adequately updates and renders the appropriate and updated component each time a user takes an act.

#Component-Based Architecture

ReactJS is a component-based framework. This means that the user interface for applications built with React is broken down into different components. Each component is based on logic implemented using JavaScript instead of Templates. This lets ReactJS development company to pass the information without impacting the DOM across applications.

Pros Of ReactJS

  • React uses JSX to make the code of the component easier to read. Additionally, developers can decide how components are integrated and connected.
  • ReactJS helps to streamline and enhance developing processes.
  • Data binding functions in ReactJS allow developers to create dynamic components for data.
  • React assists in creating quick applications. Additionally, React creates reusable components that reduce the DOM operations and speed up the process of updating.
  • Facebook and a large community of support from the team responsible for development funded React.
  • ReactJS components are SEO-friendly and can help get websites ranked on Google.
  • Using ES6/7, React allows developers to develop high-tech software for constructing high-load systems.

Cons of ReactJS

Let’s take a deeper look:

  • ReactJS is not a fully loaded framework and requires an understanding of the basics to integrate UI components within the framework.
  • It is difficult for beginner developers to understand JSX because of its intricate nature.
  • Since React is a purely UI component, developers must also be aware of tools and technologies.
  • React technology is continually developing and changing too quickly, so there needs to be more time to document.

Overview of Python

Python was first released in 1991 under Guido Van Rossum’s direction. It has grown into the most widely used language in recent times. This advanced, universally-purposed programming language is used for everything from creating websites to testing software or machine learning. Because it is easy to master, it is being used by non-programmers, for example, accountants and scientists, for a range of tasks. Its versatility and beginner-friendliness make it the first choice for web development.

#Object-Oriented language

The object-oriented method is among the most essential aspects of Python. Python can make programs more effective over time since it is aware of the notion of class and object theorization.

#GUI Programming Support

Graphic User Interface GUI is one of the most essential features of programming languages because it makes the code more visually appealing by bringing a unique look to programming. The software can only be user-friendly if its GUI is designed. The Python front-end framework has many libraries to create a Graphical User Interface for the application. Numerous tools can help you quickly and easily create GUI tools, including Tkinter, wxPython, and JPython.

#Integrated by Nature

Unlike the different, more object-oriented Programming Language, we don’t have to compile code into Python. It’s an Integrated language. Therefore, Python Interpreter executes code on only one line. This allows the debugging process to be simpler and easier to access. When you run the Python code, it transforms instantly into an intermediate form (byte code). This makes it much easier to execute and saves time over the course of the.

# Supports Other Languages

Python is a universal language. Being written in C. It supports code execution in other languages like Java, C, and C++.

#Dynamically Type

The language is a dynamically coded system, meaning the format for a given value is determined not before the time bed at run-time. Therefore, when declaring data, definitions are unnecessary.

Pros of Pythons

  • Python is an easy-to-use, rapid-growing, and flexible technology.
  • It is an open-source platform with vast communities that include development teams.
  • Python integration capabilities and control capabilities boost the performance of the program.
  • It operates based on writing and is everywhere, making Python extremely adaptable.

Cons of Python

  • Python is more sluggish than other frameworks.
  • It can allocate vast amounts of memory. There are better choices for applications in which the need for memory optimization is a requirement.
  • Python is more prone to errors during run-time than other languages.
  • It’s not suitable for mobile computers.
  • While Python programs are straightforward and hassle-free, they can be difficult when working with databases.

Python vs React.js: A Quick Table Comparison

While Python and React.js are both powerful tools, they serve different purposes. Programming in Python is versatile, and it can be used for everything from building websites to analyzing data and automating processes. Meanwhile, React.js is a JavaScript library that is designed specifically for building user interfaces, making it a popular choice for front-end development.

While React.js mainly focuses on creating the look and feel of web applications, Python can be used for both front-end and back-end development, offering more flexibility for developers working on complex projects.

Below is a comparison table that highlights the key differences between Python and React.js:

TypeFull-fledged programming languageJavaScript library for building user interfaces
Primary Use CasesWeb development, data analysis, machine learning, back-end developmentFront-end web development
Learning CurveEasy to learn and beginner-friendlyRequires solid JavaScript knowledge
Community SupportStrong community with tons of libraries and frameworksThriving community with a focus on front-end development
PerformanceSlower compared to lower-level languagesOptimized for fast, efficient UI updates
ReusabilityComponents and code can be reused for various tasksUI components are reusable for interactive interfaces
VersatilityGreat for both front-end and back-end developmentPrimarily used for front-end development
EcosystemExtensive libraries for a wide range of applicationsEcosystem focused on UI and front-end development
Best Suited ForProjects like web apps, data analysis, and machine learningBuilding dynamic and interactive web user interfaces
IntegrationIntegrates well with different back-end technologiesNeeds a separate back-end solution
FrameworksWeb frameworks like Django, FlaskOften paired with libraries for full web app development
Top Platforms Using ItPinterest, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, Uber, RedditInstagram, WhatsApp, Netflix, Airbnb, Facebook, Discord
PopularityPython is widely popular and growing, especially for versatile projectsReact.js is one of the top choices for front-end developers
Use CasesCross-platform apps, functional prototypes, simple UI programsWeb and mobile front-end development, dynamic web apps

Python Vs. React: Comprehensive Comparison

Before we look at the differences between Python and ReactJS, it is important to remember that these two best programming languages can’t necessarily substitute for one another. You can reap the most out of their strengths by combining them. Instagram manages its massive traffic with ReactJS to handle the client side and Python on the server.

Since we’re here to find the clear winner, we have delved into their lives and set up a set that can be compared and contrasted. Here are the main things to take into consideration:

Learning Curve

ReactJS has a more demanding learning curve and isn’t challenging to master, while Python is the simplest language, making learning much simpler.

ReactJS, in comparison to Python, the main reasons people who are new to programming prefer Python are the fewer structural lines, it’s clear and easy-to-read code, essential variables and functions, and more rapid development. However, it’s more difficult to master ReactJS. It’s a mess of complex class definitions; consequently, it takes more work to figure out.


There are four basic concepts of programming languages that are object-oriented, and inheritance is just an important one. This is the ability of a class to take on the attributes and methods of its parent class or any other class.

ReactJS is not an authentic OOP programming language, but Python is a genuine OOP language with an inheritance model based on classes. While ReactJS has introduced class concepts, it depends on a prototype-based model to allow inheritance.

Numeric Types

Between Python and ReactJS for back-ends, Python offers a variety of numeric data types; in contrast, ReactJS provides only floating-type variables.

Numeric data types contain information stored in databases in the format of numbers and not in any form of descriptive since you can arithmetically as well as mathematically calculate numeric types and are different from other kinds of data. While ReactJS has a small number of variables, the latest V8 engines and browsers are the new type of primitive.

However, Python has various numeric data variables like float, fixed-point decimal, and int.

Web and Mobile Development

Web applications built with ReactJS code are more efficient, operate quicker, and can handle much data. In contrast, Python web development takes a while to react.

ReactJS has many advantages in this area because of the synchronous nature of the most effective frameworks, which provide high-end app capacity. On the other hand, Python is the perfect choice for servers; it offers a stable environment using frameworks such as Django, Pyramid, and Flask and improves developing processes.

It’s possible to build GUI applications with Python, but initially, it didn’t allow for the creation of native-looking mobile applications. Developers often employ ReactJS to develop mobile apps, even though ReactJS primarily focuses on managing and developing websites.

Modules and Libraries

Python is a complete package of libraries and modules, whereas ReactJS has fewer built-in modules than Python, aside from a few, such as JSON or Math.

Python is a “batteries included” language and provides a broad set of tools that allow developers to carry out various tasks such as machine learning, data analysis, and scientific programming. However, ReactJS consists of a handful of pre-configured modules. However, you can employ dedicated developers to extend its capabilities through the host environment.


Regarding scalability, ReactJS apps are highly adaptable due to their multithreading capabilities, and Python applications are less scalable because they only use one thread at a time.

If you plan to grow your application as per increasing business requirements, immediately look into development tools on ReactJS. Increase the number of threads that run and expand the application whenever you need to.

In contrast, Python uses GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), which could provide concurrency programming support better. It is not easy to run multiple processors on threads. But you can use its multiprocessing library to gain the upper hand in distributed workflow.


As we mentioned previously, ReactJS has a run-time environment that supports Asynchronous programming on the server side. This means that a specific ongoing process does not affect the input-output function. You can also run concurrent processes, thereby making the application quicker. The event-driven design of the application allows ReactJS to perform actions whenever the event happens.

Contrary to ReactJS, Python doesn’t provide these features and does not support multithreading. Running and completing one task is necessary before you can call others in. This is what makes Python somewhat strict. While there are a few tools to help you create synchronous apps with Python, they do not create Python by itself as an asynchronous program. It is possible to use solutions to the problem and not get the desired synchronicity.


It is possible to view React.js as a fairly new type of technology and believe its community is tiny. You’ll be surprised to learn that the ReactJS community is vast and active worldwide with seasoned ReactJS developers. It’s easy to identify talent within ReactJS circles.

Python is the more mature version of both and, the most popular, has a bigger community. From junior-level to senior-level users, Python doesn’t have a lack of talent. One of the major benefits of having a huge community is the ability to locate Python development company. The active involvement of these developers leads to quick solutions and overall improvements to the language.


If you’re running earlier versions, ReactJS is an excellent choice with Babel for smoother front-end development. You can also utilize Jasmine to test unit-based or to manage your project. Webpack and PM2 will assist you with bundling modules, while Express is among the most popular frameworks used with ReactJS.

Sublime Text is commonly employed in conjunction with Python to edit code. Robot Framework helps in automated testing. Then, the popular ReactJS frameworks, such as Django and Web2Py, have many features.


ReactJS excels in this area as it is an excellent choice for front-end and back-end development due to JavaScript. It can be used for websites, web applications, desktop applications, mobile apps, IoT, or cloud solutions. It’s a great choice. ReactJS is an all-rounder!

Its simple syntax is suitable for every type of project except mobile applications. For IoT solutions and cloud-based apps, Python is being used increasingly by an increasing number of developers.

Error Handling Capabilities

ReactJS, the feature of parallel-process running, makes finding flaws and mistakes in the code a lengthy procedure.

Python’s simple syntax and absence of parallel processes are helpful when scanning the code for errors and bugs.

Data Processing

If the purpose of your application is data-intensive, then your preferred choice should be ReactJS. The technology provided by its run-time platform makes it the ideal choice for apps that require data to be transferred and processed quite often. The parallel processing and seamless I/O operations make ReactJS the most efficient choice.

With its simple syntax and just one thread in operation at any time, Python has a slow speed in processing data.

When to Use Python Over ReactJS

Python largely offers a wide range of talent because it uses a simple syntax. Therefore, it’s unsurprising that it’s so popular that Google and Facebook, among the biggest technology talent consumers, rely heavily on Python to create technologies.

Additionally, many of the most well-known data science training courses employ Python as the language used to teach students. This is why the supply of Python talent is growing.

Additionally, the popularity of Python makes it an extremely important language to understand and learn. Its extensive libraries allow the creation and deployment of an MVP extremely efficiently. This ensures that developers’ resources are effectively utilized.

For instance, Reddit was originally written in Lisp; however, the entire platform was rebuilt using Python in 2005, thanks to its vast features and libraries.

There’s more! The Python interpreter, which is the one responsible for executing the code – is extremely efficient. It doesn’t require compilation, which makes Python the perfect language for quick deployment and repeated iterations.

When to Use ReactJS Over Python

ReactJS provides the run-time framework, perfect for applications that require a constant link between the web server and the application running in the browser. For example, consider an online chatbot; if it’s not connected to the server, it won’t be able to perform server-side operations to answer customers’ questions.

A simple way to assess the necessity of ReactJS within an application is to evaluate the real-time features of the application. If the ability to transmit data in real-time is crucial to the app’s functionality, ReactJS is exactly what you require.

It’s also worth noting that both the client and server sides can use ReactJS. This can reduce deployment time and allow teams to keep the code while coordinating.

Due to its speedy processing capabilities, ReactJS is the most popular platform for companies with frequent interactions with cloud servers and client-side applications. Netflix, LinkedIn, Medium, Trello, and PayPal are a few well-known tech companies that have decided to hire dedicated ReactJS developers to run their platforms.

The Key Takeaway

Choosing the right option between ReactJS and Python can be a challenge, particularly when trying to create a fully-flagged product, not just an off-the-wall project. The benefits and features on both sides could be confusing and need to be clarified for your decision-making.

That’s why the most effective way to address this problem is to concentrate on the ultimate usage of your item. Write down all the functions of your product and the way you intend to design these features. The run-time or language that is easier to use is your choice.

Before deciding on the most suitable from ReactJS and Python for your next project, review the information above for each Python and ReactJS. Following this, you will be able to determine the right options your project requires and then choose the appropriate choice.

Python vs React.js Frequently Asked Questions

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