Laravel Migration


  • Laravel migrations provide mechanisms for creating and modifying database tables.
  • Migrations also allow you to roll back the most recent changes that you made to a database.

Generate Migrations

  • To create a migration, use the make: migration Artisan command:
  • When you create a migration file, Laravel stores it in /database/migrations directory.
  • Each migration file name contains a timestamp which allows Laravel to determine the order of the migrations.
  • Open the command prompt or terminal depending on your operating system.

Create Migration Table

Run the following command to create a migration file: php artisan make: migration create_yourtablename_table


  • Php artisan make: migration executes the make migration method via the artisan command.
  • You will get the following results for your migration file.

Create Migration: 2016_09_15_2434_create_yourtablename_table

Migration Structure

We will now examine the contents of the created migration file Open the file.


Migration Structure


  • Class CreateYourtablenameTable extends Migration defines the CreateYourtablenameTable class that extends Migration class.
  • Public function up() defines the function that is executed when the migration runs.
  • Public function down() defines the function that is executed when the migration is rolled back.

How to create a table using Migration

  • Now that we have successfully created a migration file for your table name.
  • We will add the table definition fields in the Migration file.
How to create a table using Migration

Here Explain Migration,

  • Schema::create(‘yourtablename’, function (Blueprint $table) {…} calls the create function of the Schema class. The create function is responsible for creating the database table.
  • $table->increments(‘id’); increments are used to define an auto-increment field.
  • $table->string(‘yourname’,60); string is used to define varchar fields. The second parameter is the length of the field.
  • $table->text(‘youraddress’); is used to define text fields.
  • $table->integer(‘pincode’); integer is used to define int fields.
  • $table->date(‘birthdate’); is used to define date fields.
  • $table->timestamps(); is used to automatically create two time stamp fields namely created_at and updated_at.

Go back to the command prompt Or terminal Run the following command to run the migration file.

php artisan migrate

You will get the following output

Php Artisan Migrate

Laravel Migration Rollback

  • One of the biggest advantages of migrations is that they allow you to roll back to the previous state before you run the migrations.
  • In this section, we will roll back the creation of the tables.
  1. Go back to the command prompt
  2. Run the following command

php artisan migrate: rollback

You will get the following output.

Laravel Migration Rollback

Hope this will help you and make Laravel Migration easygoing. Drop us a message if you have any queries/concerns regarding Laravel.

We are readily available to resolve it. #letstalksolution

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