IDEAL Choice For Your eCommerce Business

What if you have the power to develop your eCommerce app without any technical skills? Or can you make a design prototype of your eCommerce mobile app without writing a single line of code?

Does it sound interesting?

It is very much possible to design and develop an eCommerce app using “No-Code” tools! It is not a joke. With no-code tools or platforms, any business can go for a digital transformation within a few days.

No-code app development has gained immense popularity in the past few years from non-technical founders or business owners since it doesn’t require any programming knowledge. If we look at history, no-code platforms and web app development have seen a significant rise. Take the example of Appy Pie’s AppMakr. AppMaker has grown 198% in the first of 2020, and the pace continued even in the second half of 2020. Moreover, 34% of businesses are already leveraging a no-code platform.

No-code app development’s drastic growth and popularity have a few straightforward reasons. These reasons justify why you should consider no-code app development when it comes to eCommerce mobile apps for your business. Let’s explore the benefits of choosing a no-code app development platform.

No-Code App Development

No-Code App Development Is Fast

As compared to conventional eCommerce app builders, where you have to write code, no-code platforms are much faster. It won’t take more than 2 weeks to develop a basic eCommerce mobile app. On the other hand, if you wish to have a more extensive enterprise-grade app, it will hardly take a couple of weeks only. On the contrary, if you plan to build react-native eCommerce apps using the traditional approach, it will be estimated in months and even extend significantly due to the nitty-gritty of coding.

Also ReadReasons That Prove an eCommerce Mobile App Is the Need of an Hour for Online Retailers

No-Code App Development Is Easy

Yes, it is yet another fantastic benefit of going for no-code development. No-code development tools or platforms are effortless to use. They are engaging and have a smooth learning curve. Most tools or platforms provide drag and drop functionality to help laymen design and develop complex eCommerce mobile apps without any coding skills. The users can visualize what they are developing and can make the change as and when required.

No-Code App Development Reduces Cost

Of course, hiring developers or a professional app development firm would cost more. You may have to spend at least some amount to leverage a developer or a company’s technical expertise. But no-code app development helps you get rid of such expensive investment for your eCommerce app or eCommerce store development. You can develop eCommerce mobile apps much faster and cheaper since it doesn’t involve any cost of developers or teams.

No-Code App Development Enhance Resource Utilization

E-Commerce app development with the help of external resources is expensive and challenging. Moreover, it imposes a significant level of limitations and restrictions on the organizations. On the contrary, developing an eCommerce app with the help of internal resources brings many benefits. However, it could be a costly deal since it involves skilled resources and costs. The no-code app development could be a helping hand in this situation because anyone can learn it. This way, organizations can utilize their existing resources more efficiently.

No-Code App Development Brings Better ROI & Reduced Risk

Since no-code app development is less expensive, you can more likely leverage the improved return on your eCommerce app investments. With no-code app development tools, you can save more than half of your eCommerce store development cost. The better the return on investment, the lower the risk involved. If your app fails to perform well, you won’t regret it since you have not invested more.

Also Read: What it Takes To Build a Successful eCommerce Mobile App

No-Code App Development Is the Future

Today, enterprises realize the power of simplicity and ease of use, and no-code app development tools will need an hour. According to Gartner’s research, approximately 75% of large enterprises will be leveraging at least four no-code app development platforms by 2024. It clearly shows that no-code app development is the future and is here to stay.

There is no denying that no-code app development unlocks doors that were previously closed for anyone who couldn’t code. No-code app development tools and platforms make eCommerce store development and eCommerce mobile app development possible without investing money in hiring skilled developers. It is an ideal choice for startups where the proper use of resources is crucial.

Addweb Shop Redefines App Development

To help businesses cope with the rising demand of no-code app development, AddWeb Solution brings AddWeb Shop, a readymade mobile app development solution to build eCommerce apps on the go! It offers businesses to create simple or enterprise-grade mobile apps in a few weeks without any coding or technical skills.

With multilingual support, offline access, push notifications, social media integration, and more, AddWeb Shop helps businesses reduce 60% of development cost while offering a seamless experience to the customers. Moreover, it brings endless customization opportunities for businesses to offer native-like features and functionality without hampering the performance. Want to know more about how you can develop a unique, full-featured, and robust eCommerce app? Get in touch with our experts or try our demo app now…

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