Drupal is a powerful, appreciated, well-known, and helpful CMS that functions as a CMS for content. It is made in the PHP programming language. Drupal CMS is extensively used for managing and creating apps and websites. Drupal is a well-known open-source CMS that manages content using a web design and development platform. It offers an adaptable and reliable platform for creating dynamic web applications and community websites. Drupal web development services enable users to develop or alter web pages using Drupal CMS, allowing many plugins, themes, and modules to build robust websites.
Drupal has been widely used in various industries and configurations, which shows that it is a stable and adaptable platform capable of meeting the needs of specific clients. For instance, Ericsson is leveraging Drupal to create internal software to access corporate policies and documents. There is also a news and events area. Drupal’s abilities are shown by its capability to function as an efficient tool to manage organizations’ knowledge.
What is Drupal?
Drupal is a no-cost, open-source content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and manage websites, online directories, intranets, e-commerce shops, and other digital information. Groups of users can utilize Drupal. It is an ideal CMS for marketers, developers, and other agencies. Anyone who wants to organize and manage their online content will benefit from the Drupal capabilities and workflows.
Drupal is a prevalent and adaptable CMS framework that can be customized. It is ideal for creating accessible websites and more complicated web-based applications. There are thousands of themes and modules to bring in web visitors, build brands’ visibility, and establish an online community.
What Is Drupal Used For?
Once you know what Drupal means and what it can do, you may be wondering which kinds of projects it’s employed to support. Drupal’s incredible flexibility, built-in options, and open-source architecture make it a top CMS for complex, large websites. It’s also a favorite for the government, higher education, healthcare, and not-for-profit sectors. Although many CMSs are focused on specific needs, Drupal’s design has been adapted to handle almost every use situation that entails digital media.
Why Choose Drupal?

Drupal is an open-source CMS that is easy to extend and use for free. Additionally, there is no license fee similar to those for exclusive software.
Reliable Security
Your company is accountable for providing a secure site that protects the user’s data. Drupal is a recognized security team that regularly releases security patches to address possible vulnerabilities before they are discovered. It also has robust code standards and a rigorous procedure for reviewing code in the community, reducing risks.
The Automated Updates feature in Drupal 10 lets you make security changes with just one click–no programming necessary. Drupal is also superior to WordPress when handling sensitive information and complex security scenarios, whereas WordPress’s reliance on third-party extensions renders it more prone to security issues.

Powerful Editing Tools
Drupal lets non-technical people develop dynamic content quickly and efficiently using tools like Layout Builder and CKEditor 5. The ongoing Drupal initiatives are improving the administration interface to make it more accessible for users. There are also a lot of additional add-ons that will enhance your editor experience on your site, such as the CKEditor 5 module that CKEditor contributes.
Control Over User Permissions
The organization can set up multiple user roles within Drupal and strictly control who can be granted permission to access, edit, or modify particular documents. This is an excellent way to secure your digital image and reputation and control workflows between teams and your organization.
Support for Multisites
Multisite in Drupal lets the creation of multiple websites using a single Drupal installation. The sites are managed centrally by your web team, for example, each sub-brand, department, or child company. It’s a cost-effective means of controlling your brand’s digital presence while giving your team the authority to manage the content. Additionally, you’ll reduce time and money when you simultaneously update all your websites to the most recent version of Drupal.
See our collaborative effort with York’s Markham Campus as an example of a website that can stand independently but connects to the university’s web-based ecosystem.
Integrations from third-party providers
Drupal development services is a long-standing platform that has provided reliable accessibility to REST, JSON, and GraphQL APIs. These allow for the integration of various applications from third parties. It will enable you to create more efficient workflows by linking your website to multiple platforms, systems, and applications. This allows Drupal to be ideally used in a hybrid or decoupled setup.
Accessibility for users with Disabilities
Accessibility to the Internet is an essential aspect of every organization. It can help you reach a broader audience and comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Drupal offers several core accessibility capabilities, like the ability to use alternative text and captions, transcripts of multimedia, and a WCAG AAA standard theme. Additionally, there are a variety of modules available to assist in creating an inclusive digital user experience.
Optimized Performance
The speed of your site’s performance has an enormous effect on its performance. In 2018, The BBC discovered that it lost about 10% of its audience for each additional minute it took to load its website. Drupal outperforms the other open-source platforms in terms of performance when under stress. It was created from the beginning to manage high traffic volumes. Drupal 10 introduced Symfony 6.2 as the underlying technology stack, allowing it to significantly improve efficiency and speed through cache, routing, and page rendering. The build process on the front end is optimized with software such as Webpack.
Personalization can help organizations build valuable individual relationships with their customers online, providing pertinent content to users. Drupal’s capability for high-end customization is complemented by contributed and built-in personalization tools. Businesses looking to push personalization to a whole new level can leverage Acquia’s latest tools and technologies, a DXP specifically designed to be used with Drupal.
What are The Cons of Drupal Development Services?
One of the most significant drawbacks to using Drupal CMS is the inherent security issues of using an open-source platform. When it comes to security, Drupal leaves a bit to be wanted. Anyone with a basic understanding of the code of Drupal could swiftly detect security flaws and launch cyber-attacks
Drupal’s Large Learning Curve
Although learning can be subjective, this claim has plenty of value. If you’re acquainted with the Drupal community, you’ll have heard about it. To the newbie, it’s an excellent saying, “following Drupal development methods.” However, more than being aware of PHP for this particular case is required, as many of these patterns and methods can be found in pages upon pages of API documentation. Recruiting a new developer for the Drupal world is likely to be lengthy and, in some instances, costly.
Progress has been made in this area with initiatives like The Drupal website development services Core Mentor program and numerous online classes and training. However, these programs can only reduce the time spent on the learning curve in the upcoming release of Drupal (Drupal 8. x). There’s been an emphasis on rebuilding the core of Drupal to incorporate regular patterns in PHP, such as object orientation, using frameworks such as Symphony, and modern frontend components that can reduce the time spent learning these.
Major Drupal Updates Can Be an Effort
Even though updating modules for everyday use is easy, many people have been scathing about Drupal for its difficulty in making changes to the complete versions of the software, such as switching from Drupal 6. x to Drupal 7. This is because, long ago, Drupal’s Drupal community opted to stop supporting old ideas to ensure backward compatibility. The rationale behind this decision was to ensure that every Drupal upgrade is equipped to take advantage of the newest technologies. This, in turn, produces a superior overall system.
However, for businesses that wish to remain at the top of their field, it means a higher cost when changing their software cores to the new version. Similar to the development aspect, contributors must rewrite their modules to be compatible with the latest version. Since most modules are developed during developers’ free time, this could mean an extended wait between release cycles for poorly known modules.
Drupal can Consume Resources
The third item on this list directly relates to my Drupal issues. Drupal can be a resource drain, and it will likely require most of the time to focus on optimizing your site, hardware, or caching. However, it must cover many scenarios to allow Drupal to stay agile and adaptable. This usually means running many more lines of code per page, making bloat a common issue.
However, the problems with Drupal’s speed usually stem from poorly written Third-party plugins that have yet to invest the time in optimizing their programming. It’s hard to count how many times.
I’ve looked at a slow Drupal website only to discover 3 or 4 modules that cause most problems on an online site with more than 40 donated plugins.
However, Drupal allows for robust caching options using tools like Memcache, Redis, and Varnish. Even though this means that you’ll have to put in the time to work on your software and hardware, you will get a fast website.
For Large Websites, Drupal’s Contributed Module Compatibility Can Be an Issue
The two last points on the list relate to each other. When a website grows within the Drupal area, the best option is to add many contributed modules. These modules are connected to Drupal Core and use their programming on top of each other. The code could conflict and cause poor performance, error messages, crashes, or an unsatisfactory user experience.
Drupal Doesn’t Work Well For Custom Applications
The issue with the earlier assertion is that complexity does not necessarily imply dimensions. Also, it doesn’t mean complicated sites shouldn’t utilize Drupal. Drupal can be scaled quite quickly, and intricate websites have indeed been constructed using Drupal.
Not So Scalable
In addition, people often discover flexibility and scalability to be two main problems when working with an application like Drupal CMS. If, for example, you want to create an API for your CMS to communicate with a third-party system, you’ll have to make it on your own — all of which can add expenses and time.
The only way to utilize Drupal to its maximum potential is to work with a Drupal partner. Because Drupal development requires a high degree of expertise and the technical know-how necessary to set up the platform, it is unique, making your site’s development cost a lot.
What are The Pros of Drupal Development Services?
Drupal is an open-source CMS with a vast community. It includes enthusiasts and developers who can assist you in tackling minor issues with implementation or help you understand the process of building an effective Drupal website.
Drupal is Extensible
The first and most significant benefit is its extensibility. Drupal is blank, so you can then define the website you want it to become. Content Types permit relatively inexperienced users to create complicated data structures in minutes. This means that prototyping a concept within Drupal could significantly reduce time. It is possible to have a functioning prototype and start building it from there within seconds.
Drupal Allows For Rapid Prototyping
This is an essential difference in Drupal and one you should consider while building your projects. Developing a complex site in one weekend is a challenge for developers.
Drupal Community Is Huge
One of the most significant advantages of Drupal is its community. In the past, Drup al’s community members frequently supported the platform. There is a tremendous amount of support, and every iteration of Drupal attracts more developers from across the globe. In addition, enterprise users have witnessed a massive increase in Drupal use over the past few years. Twitter, Pinterest, Microsoft, Government Agency, etc have all poured hours and millions of dollars into Drupal.
Drupal Can Serve As an API of Its Own
The last checkbox on the column for pro-Drupal is directly related to its extensibility. Since the last few years, the frontend development world has seen an explosion in the use of tools and technology, bringing us forward to be at the forefront of contemporary web-based development. One of the primary advocates of this is the explosion of RestFul web APIs.
A steep learning curve
Drupal module development services are not as simple. Developers must learn many things to master the fundamental functions of Drupal Web Development. The developer must be skilled in PHP, CSS, and HTML code. Implementing and modifying the Drupal framework requires many years of expertise and knowledge, among the main reasons the platform can’t achieve more than 4.6% of the CMS market. When deciding to go with Drupal, you must be sure there is a dedicated Drupal expert on your team who thoroughly understands the framework.
This article hopefully gives an understanding of Drupal and explains how most “cons” are fixed through research, the best technique, and the common good. Improvements are made to how Drupal is presented and how it performs. As with other aspects of development, most of these obstacles can be overcome by the proper planning and knowledge.
Drupal is a large online community that includes both developers and customers. If you have little experience in coding and programming, you can tackle small-scale issues by yourself and not rely on the Drupal developers who developed your website every time.
However, Drupal may not be the most suitable choice. If you’re not savvy or have nono coding skills, can’t afford one of the top Drupal teams of web developers, and want your site to be up and running sooner rather than later, you might prefer an alternative CMS.
In the case of Drupal, it is possible to utilize the platform to its maximum capacity by working with a Drupal partner. Because Drupal development is highly specialized and the technical know-how needed to establish the platform is unique and specialized, creating a website could be very expensive.

Ready to Transform Your Website? Get Expert Drupal Development Services Today!

Pooja Upadhyay
Director Of People Operations & Client Relations