Migrating from ASP.NET to .NET Core

Migrating from ASP.NET to .NET Core involves transitioning from an older, Windows-only framework to a newer, cross-platform one with numerous benefits. ASP.NET is a mature framework for building robust web applications on the .NET. However, .NET Core, now unified under the .NET 5 and later versions umbrella, offers several advantages, including improved performance, cross-platform capabilities, and modern development features. This step involves updating your libraries, middleware, and configuration files to be compatible with .NET Core.

Migrating from ASP.NET to .NET Core

Offer Ultimate Retail Experience with Our Asp.Net Migration Services

Our unrivalled digital Asp.Net Migration Services will help you ignite your online business. We provide cutting-edge technologies, engaging user experiences, and robust systems to ensure seamless operations.

Online Stores

Comprehensive Assessment

We thoroughly assess your existing ASP.NET application. This includes analyzing the codebase, dependencies, and overall architecture to identify potential challenges and opportunities for optimization.

Migration Strategy Development

Migration Strategy Development

We aim to create an integrated marketplace that allows multiple vendors and clients to connect and interact on a single platform. Vendors can easily set up our custom-made solutions, which offer a variety of features. We are committed to creating result-driven solutions for businesses regardless of size and complexity.

Code Refactoring and modernization

Code Refactoring and Modernization

As part of the migration process, we refactor and modernize your codebase to make it compatible with .NET Core. This may involve updating outdated libraries, replacing deprecated APIs, and optimizing code for improved performance.

API and Dependency Updates

API and Dependency Updates

We update your application’s APIs and dependencies to ensure compatibility with .NET Core. This includes updating third-party libraries, middleware, and other components used in your application.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and Quality Assurance

We conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the migrated application functions correctly and meets performance expectations. This includes unit, integration, and performance testing to identify and address issues.

Performance Optimization

Performance Optimization

As part of the migration process, we optimize your application for performance using best practices and tools available in .NET Core. This includes optimizing database queries, improving caching strategies, and leveraging new features in .NET Core for better performance.

Understanding the Migration Process from .NET to .NET Core

Migration from .NET to .NET Core involves several key steps, each critical for successful transition. Let’s break down this journey into manageable phases.

Before any migration can begin, performing a thorough software audit and assessment is crucial. This involves analyzing your current .NET Framework applications to determine their suitability for migration. A comprehensive evaluation will consider the application’s architecture, dependencies, and third-party libraries or components.

The audit should also identify any potential challenges or roadblocks that could arise during migration, such as incompatible APIs or platform-specific features. This stage sets the stage for a well-planned and structured migration effort.

Software Audit And Assessment

Once the audit is complete, the next step is to update the application’s codebase and components. This involves replacing or refactoring any code incompatible with .NET Core. Typical updates include changing namespace declarations, modifying API calls, and ensuring that any third-party libraries being used are compatible with .NET Core.

Additionally, this phase may involve updating the structure to align with the .NET Core project format, which is essential for the application to build and run correctly in the new environment.

Update The Code And Components

Migrating the data layer is another critical component of the transition. This may include updating data access code to work with .NET Core’s Entity Framework Core or other ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tools.

In some cases, it may also be necessary to migrate databases to ensure compatibility with the new framework. A successful data migration ensures that all data is accurately transferred and the application maintains its functionality and integrity in the new environment.

Data Migration

Testing is an integral part of the migration process. Rigorous testing ensures that the application functions as expected on .NET Core and that any changes made during the update phase have not introduced new bugs or issues.

Testing should cover all aspects of the application, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. Automated testing tools can streamline this process and provide confidence that the application is ready for production.


Finally, the application can be deployed and run in a production environment. This step often involves setting up the necessary infrastructure, such as servers or cloud services, to host the .NET Core application.

Monitoring and support are crucial during this phase to quickly address post-migration issues. The goal is to ensure a seamless transition with minimal downtime and user disruption.

Run In Production

What Are the Reasons for Migrating from .Net to .Net Core?

Switching from .NET to .NET Core has many excellent reasons to consider. .NET Core is a super cool, cross-platform framework that brings many benefits compared to the old-school .NET framework. It’s faster, more scalable, and way more flexible so that you can build and deploy apps like a boss. Plus, it’s open-source, so you join a rad community of developers who constantly improve the framework. Did I mention that .NET Core supports microservices architecture? That means you can easily create modular and scalable apps. Migrating to .NET Core is like future-proofing your apps and keeping them ahead of the game in today’s fast-paced digital world. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s make the switch!

Migrating from .Net to .Net Core

Tech Stack Utilized for Migrating from ASP.NET to .NET Core

Adhering to the latest tools and technologies, we create future-ready digital commerce solutions that increase customer retention rates.

Our expert developers leverage the latest technology to create scalable and flexible software.

Our Methodology for Migrating from ASP.NET to .NET Core.

Our project development process is based on a tried and tested method.

Our Process for Digital Commerce Development

Our ASP.NET Migration Portfolio

Our Data Warehousing Solutions Portfolio


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