Drupal Ladder Drupalladder By the Community, For the Community, & To the Community
About The Project
Mission to help people learn and contribute to Drupal
Drupalladder is a platform powered by Drupal. They came to us with a motive to build a platform where users can easily learn Drupal in a simplified way. Even the one who is interested to post information that could help users to learn Drupal in easy ways can do it as well. We served Drupalladder by creating a backend for them which can help him/her to register. We also developed the creation, mentor-mentee relationship, post-learning procedure, and other miscellaneous for them. We covered several features for proper & precise CMS.
Country: United States
Industry: Non-Profit Organisation
Problem Statement
The client wanted to create a platform where they can allow users to contribute to the ladder and also help users to learn new things in an easy way. They also wanted to add UI through which easy tutorials can be made by users.

Home Page
The idea of the Drupal Ladder got to the minds of our developers which could be felt on the home page. The easy login and signup are provided on the home page. Different areas with the specifications are also mentioned on the home page that could connect users directly to the information concerned to them. The users can also shift to the hot news and updates by switching the site from new to hot news. This button can take users from hot to new on a single switch. This will make users easily learn and contribute to Drupal.
Drop Your Content Here!
Drupal always wanted to build a healthy community. Their main motive never got defocused. The knowledge increases in the community when each of them share the information available to them. Here users can choose to add the content that could help others to learn Drupal. It can also share easy ways of learning Drupal. The snapshots, videos and even the content can be added to help others. This makes learning easy and interesting.

Step-Wise Easy Learning
There are stepwise learning regarding several basic points of Drupal. The page of Drupal configuration management and drag and drop layout. These pages stepwise make users help with an informative and easy understanding of the content. Starting from definitions to how will it benefit all is stated on. The videos, clips, snapshots, content all are published for easy understanding of users. The one who is interested to post the content can post it and help others to explore and learn Drupal in easy ways. Users can also publish tutorials for others.
A Few Stats About Project
Technology Stack
AddWeb Solution chooses latest tools, techniques and software platforms to develop DrupalLadder website

The Drupal Ladder vision was clear to develop a platform where the users can easily learn, explore in an easy way. Our developers served them with one. The whole theme was made clear, and we created the pages accordingly. The home page was made attractive in order to keep the users engaged. It also mentioned the different categories where the users based on their preferences can find the content. Features were also described separately so that it can be made clear to the users.
The one who is interested to post the content can post it and help others to explore and learn Drupal in easy ways. Users can also publish tutorials for others. This will allow the community to help the community to learn Drupal. The users are always looking for easy ways to learn new things and here with the help of videos, snapshots, and content the learning becomes easy and interesting. Our proactively answering of the queries impressed them. Our experienced developers were always available as per the scheduled time and also extended as per the needs. It was made successful to build a platform for making it easy for users to learn Drupal in impressive and interesting ways.
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Meet the Magicians Who Work their magic Using these Props!

Saurabh Dhariwal

Rajeev Agarwal

Ashish Jain

Jigish Chauhan

Ravi Maniyar

Pooja Upadhyay

Ashutosh Kumar

Ankur Sharma
Awards and Achievement
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