NOBISM Custom App Solutions for Health Industries Cross-platform App with Native Experience About Project Cluster Headache Research App. Nobism is an arrangement by sufferers of Cluster headache getting active to work on their solutions as a community. We worked on the core aspects such as Data-synchronization, Bug-fixing & Enhancement, Integrated Automatic data entry Multilingual support. We also […]
Rogier Koning
The platform launched and worked as intended for its target audience, pleasing all stakeholders. Without a clear deadline, AddWeb Solution took its time to deliver a top-notch solution while remaining prompt. Constant communication and problem-solving made for a smooth workflow.
GERMAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL ACCELERATED ITS GROWTH WITH ALL NEW EXAM BOOKING SYSTEM BBZ Digitizes its exam booking system for its process ease and enhancing reach to a larger audience. The Business Needs Identifying the BBZ German Language Schools’ pain points. With the rising number of students and their interest in job-related needs-based exams the BBZ […]
Denkmalradar Revamped Its Monument Portal with Engaging Features Inspired by the Goal of Improving Customer Engagement ABOUT Denkmalradar How we helped the largest monument portal of Central Germany to overcome their customer engagement challenges and optimize it by incorporating additional features with the power of October CMS. Denkmalradar is an initiative of the Leipzig Monument Foundation to […]
Ondrej Brinkel
AddWeb Solution accepted the project on short notice & helped us to increase customer engagement with new commenting & revision features. Thanks, AddWeb Denkmalradar achieves a new level of quality & customer engagement with the help of an enhanced portal.